
Sunday, 13 May 2018

Does GDPR Apply To You?

There is a general sense of panic and impending doom as the 25th May 2018 deadline draws closer for the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)!

It's not a topic that I would generally get excited about BUT this time we don't have a choice, it pretty much impacts everyone and you need to be prepared!

Knowing the answers to basic questions like these are important if not critical.

- What is it ?
- Does it effect me?
- What if I don't have a business?
- Can I ignore it?
- What do I need to do to be compliant?
- Can I make money from this?

....Don't fret! .... We've got this covered :)

I want to give you access to a training where two of the UK's leading GDPR experts who work directly with some of the largest organisations in the UK and with the regulatory bodies themselves break down into simple terms the new GDPR regulations :)

The training is a must see before the new legislation comes in on the 25th May 2018!

Watch the training here!

WHY will is this so important for your business? ... because knowing how to be GDPR ready is not optional, this is a legal requirement.

In the training, questions in plain and simple English allow you to get a grasp on what its all about, exactly what we need to do to be ready and best of all how you can cash in on this news!

This is going to be extra special so please catch the training now!

Looking forward to seeing you there....

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