
Sunday, 5 November 2017

Improve Your Facebook Ads With These 5 Tips

UNLESS you have been living under a rock, Facebook Ads are crushing it for those who are doing it right.

These people are generating more leads, increasing web traffic, and ultimately generating more sales with their Facebook Ads campaigns.
Maybe you aren’t getting the same results?
Don’t throw in the towel just yet. You might need to make a few small tweaks to get more out of your Facebook advertising efforts.
So let’s explore some of my favorite tips to getting more from your ads.

Really Know What’s Working

Before you can make improvements in your Facebook Ads, you need to know what is or isn’t working.
So head on over to your Facebook Ads Manager and go to your reports section.
From there, create a new report. At first glance, I see this:

And I might be content with thinking that my cost per conversion is doing ok and that the campaign can keep on going…
But what if we were to drill down a little?
So, click the “Breakdown” dropdown and select “Age.” Your report now breaks down the data based on age. So for this example, I can see how this particular remarketing campaign is going based on the different age groups.

I can see that the 18-24, 25-34, and 65+ groups are producing significantly higher costs per conversion than the average for the campaign.
From here, I can decide to better allocate more of my budget to the age groups driving the better results. And with that, I’ll be spending my money a lot more effectively.

Retarget Visitors Who Didn’t Convert

Now that you know what hasn’t been working, why not try to recapture those lost leads?
This can be done through retargeting.
If you aren’t familiar with retargeting, it’s essentially the process of showing ads to an audience who previously visited your site.
Not only can you show ads to these users, but you can set it up in a way to only target users who did not complete the initial action you wanted them to. This can be the failure to fill out a form or not completing a purchase.
In order to retarget to users, you will need to be sure that the Facebook tracking pixel is not only installed on your main website pages, but also on the pages the completed action takes place. This would be something like your thank you page.
Once you are sure the tracking pixel is setup correctly, you will need to build out your retargeting campaign.

Here’s how to do it:

When creating a new ad, you will want to select “Custom Audience” and then choose “Website Traffic”.

From there, you will need to choose “People visiting specific web pages but not others” and be sure to enter keywords for “Include people who visit any web page that meets the following rules.”
If you are wanting to target users who visited your blog but didn’t sign up for your newsletter, you could enter the URL for your blog, for example “blog” if that is part of your URL structure.
Then in the “Exclude people who visit any web page that meets the following rules” enter the conversion page URL.
In this case, the URL is “site.com/thank-you.”

Finally, give the audience a name and then click “Create Audience.”
Your audience will be created that you can use in ads that will target users who have been to your site but have not converted.

Create Lookalike Audiences

When you know what’s working for your Facebook advertising campaigns, you probably want to do more of it.
The good news is that in Facebook you can create lookalike audiences.
In short, a lookalike audience is the process of creating a new audience to market to based off similarities of your existing customer base. The idea is that if this new audience has similar interests to your current customers, then there is a high probability that they will be interested in what you have to offer as well.
You can create a lookalike audience based on things like your precious website visitors or users who have “liked” your Facebook page.

Ready to create a lookalike audience?

Here are the steps to do it:
  1. In your Facebook Ads Manager, go to your audiences.
  2. From there, in the top left click “Create Audiences” and then select “Create a Lookalike Audience”.
  3. Next, you need to choose your source which can be any “Custom Audience”. This can include those based on an app, conversion pixel or Facebook Page.
  4. Up next you will select the country where you want to find a similar set of people.
  5. Then pick your desired audience size using the slider.
  6. The last thing to do is click “Create Audience.”
See that wasn’t too difficult, was it?
One thing to note is that it can take anywhere from 6 to 24 hours for the audience to be created. Then it will refresh about every 3 to 7 days provided you are still using that audience to target ads to.
Just be sure to review your analytics to your lookalike audiences to ensure it’s performing as expected.

Use Boolean Targeting For Your Audiences

Speaking of audiences, did you know that you might not be truly targeting the audience you intended?
You might have noticed this scenario…
In your Facebook Ad Manager, you want to target an audience that looks like this:
  • Major League Soccer (interest)
  • Canoeing (interest)

You might think that you are targeting users who like both interests. However, using this approach you will be targeting people who like one or the other.
What you really wanted to target were people who liked both interests.
So, in order to target the right audience, you will need to click the “Narrow Audience” link. From here you will want to remove one of your interests from the “Detailed Targeting” section and move it into the “Narrow Audience” section.

Looking at the two screenshots, you will see that this refinement is now showing us a total of 770,000 people who like both “Canoeing” AND “Major League Soccer”.
If you have more than two interests, you can click the “Narrow Further” link to add each separate interest someone needs to have in order to be part of your audience.
So if I wanted to take my segmentation a step further it would look like this:

You can keep going to really define the right audience. And when you have the right audience, your ad spend will be much more effective.

Improving Ad Relevancy Score

The last thing I want to cover is your Facebook Relevance Score and why improving it can have a huge impact on your ads.
For those not familiar with it, the relevancy score is a score assigned to your ad by Facebook. In short, it is a calculation that measures what the expected positive and negative feedback for the ad will be from the target audience.
This is a scale that goes 1-10 where the higher the number means a better the score.
After your ad has gone live, your relevancy score can change based on whether or not it is getting positive interaction.
If your relevancy score seems a bit low, you can work on improving it.
The best way to improve your relevancy score is to make sure that your Facebook ad audience is not too broad. It should be tight and focused so that you can write compelling ad copy that speaks to this audience.
And when someone can relate to what you wrote, you will increase the likelihood of getting them to click. When they do click, it will result in a positive experience and ultimately help to increase your relevancy score.
Since Facebook wants to deliver targeted and relevant ads to their audience, by having a high relevancy score will help Facebook accomplish this and as a result you will see lower costs for your ads.
There are even options to help increase your relevancy score with ease. For example, you can use a tool like Adsviser to find out what’s working for your competition and then use that to your own advantage!

Improving Your Facebook Ads

Implementing these tips can have a huge payoff for your Facebook advertising campaigns. You’ll be able to:
  • Know where to spend more or less of your budget
  • Retarget visitors who didn’t convert
  • Build new audiences based on your current converting audience
  • Better target your audience interests and demographics
  • Increase your relevancy score for lower ad spend
And with even just a few of these implemented, there’s no doubt that you’ll see positive results.
I’d like to know what tips are you looking forward to implementing the most?
Be sure to let us know in the comment section below. And, feel free to like/share the post!

1 comment:

  1. Ah! These tips were so very much needed. It is very important to know even the minutest thing before actually hitting for something big. Therefore, I have been searching a lot about these services in order to take my business on top in the market. I will take help of facebook ads management Los Angeles for the better growth of my business.
