
Tuesday, 2 May 2017

How to Export LinkedIn Contacts (NEW) Find Leads

How to Export LinkedIn Contacts and Find Leads NEW Method.
Refers to NEW software found here: http://newlucid.com/banner-page/linke...

LinkedIn's new method of grouping and sorting contacts has made it even more difficult to group contacts by their specific job titles and roles. All you can do now is export the entire LinkedIn Contact list. I even find the new tagging process cumbersome. (If any of you have tools to do this please pass them on.)

I found a new way to chop that list up by your LinkedIn tags, or contact groupings like Company, Location or Industry. 

Now you organize contact lists outside LinkedIn and even message your lists automatically by search tags without the need of a CRM or direct mailing system. That said, you can still use Salesforce.com or email services like MailChimp to manage your lists by simply downloading a CSV file.

The solution is in new linked in mailer software that does three things:

1) It will extract all your contact information including name, company, phone number, address, email, and birthday.
2) It will find groups and selectively connect with leads in those groups by keyword terms and geographic location
3) It will automatically manage 2nd generation contacts and invite them to join your network
4) It will allow you to mass message all your contacts on linkedin

I managed to build a list of over 700 contacts in just one week using this software AND export this as a mailing list. 

Interesting webinar on the entire process: http://bizdevweekly.com/event-registr...

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