
Tuesday, 30 July 2019

The No B.S. Guide to Growing Your Facebook Reach Organically in 2019

Psst – I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Facebook marketing isn’t dead.
You’ve probably heard a lot of doom and gloom recently about Facebook’s prospects. Ominous “facts” about the younger generation shrinking on the platform, and an increasingly inactive user base.
You might even be forgiven to think that Facebook is going down the way of a particularly famous MyPredecessor.
Well, don’t sweat it – as always, the press is just doing their job, and the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.
Nearly 3 billion people are using Facebook as of a few months ago – that’s almost half our global population. And while activity in North America has certainly seen some shrinkage in the last few years, it’s little more than a pittance – especially considering nearly 90% of Facebook’s user base is outside of North America.
So, no – Facebook marketing isn’t going anywhere. Especially when you consider how deeply coupled Instagram is to Facebook – and let’s face it, with the precipitous decline of Snap, Instagram is the king of social.
So, now that we’ve dealt with the doom and gloom nonsense, let’s get to the meat of this article: how do you (organically) grow your Facebook marketing presence in 2019?
As it turns out, the strategies that worked a few years ago don’t seem to hold as well nowadays. Let’s find out why, and what you can do instead.

The Problem: Declining Reach

The average organic reach of a brand on Facebook has precipitously declined in the last few years – in fact, it’s dropped nearly 200% in the last 2-3 years. The tinfoil-hatted among us will of course quickly point to Facebook’s supposed lowering engagement (see: doom-and-gloom myth-busting above), or the more cynical crowd might suggest Facebook is throttling organic in favor of paid promotions.
Neither of these appear to be the case.

[ Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/tnxRFtXI9dI ]
As I’ve described already, Facebook’s “per-capita activity” may be seeing slight shrinkage, but it’s volumes continue to rise. And the conspiracy of Facebook’s shift towards paid, well….although something similar is probably happening, there certainly isn’t any objective proof you can point to.
The answer, as our old friend Occam would probably be fond of, is much simpler than either of those: there’s just a lot more competition. There are tens of millions of business pages competing for space on Facebook – that’s an order of magnitude more than it was just 5 years ago.
So the “problem” of the old techniques isn’t in the techniques at all – it’s just in execution. If you want to stand out from the field and make organic work, you just have to be better.
Rough, I know.

Unconventional Ideas Win Facebook Marketing

[ Image Source: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1532700918736-e42b0e45d39e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&q=85&fm=jpg&crop=entropy&cs=srgb&dl=ali-yahya-755909-unsplash.jpg ]
Social media is an incredibly young discipline, yet most organizations treat it like its the study of arithmetic. The “rules” that you’re taught were barely invented 4 years ago – it’s crucial in this day and age to start breaking them.
For starters, one of the biggest mistakes companies make is focusing on ancient demographic personas. If you’re constantly chasing the same demographics that your organization has been chasing for decades, just now doing it online, how can you expect to stand out from the field?
In fact – it’s becoming increasingly clear that the access granted by social media is opening up brands to demographics they didn’t even know they had.
Consider the 2015 super bowl, one of the most memorable in recent history. Guess what the top 3 most engaged demographics on Facebook were for the event?
  1. Women, ages 25-34
  2. Women, ages 35-44
  3. Women, ages 18-24
So while 99% of companies did what they always do, and marketed their Superbowl social presence towards middle-aged men, the smartest brands went after young women and scored big.
Here’s another example: peak times.
For ages, the common convention has been to post during peak hours. It’s an idea that’s a relic of the advertising age – after all, you wouldn’t want to run TV ads on the 2 am slot, right?
Well, as it turns out, the same idea doesn’t really hold on social media. Part of it is just sheer volume – the 2 am social media volume is bigger than even primetime TV, and the “peak hours” on social media are so ridiculously competitive it’s nearly impossible to find a niche
Consider Jon Loomer (Facebook master extraordinaire) results from an experiment posting in peak hours vs. the midnight shift:

Brands that learn to play risky (and hire people that are good at taking those risks… I’m looking at you, Subway), tend to win out. Consider the rise of brand-on-brand violence on social media – these oddly satisfying & transparent tweets against competitors generate some of the most social engagement on the internet:

The rules for social media are still in their infancy. If you’re following the same rules as everyone else, how can you expect to get different results?
Something something insanity, yadda yadda.

Social media scheduling is king

There was a weird lull the last few years where it seemed people were starting to sour on social media scheduling tools. A bigger push was made towards higher-quality, bespoke content and getting away from “automation” because it “didn’t work”.
There are 2 salient points we need to make here:
  • Social media automation doesn’t mean avoiding high-quality content…. It simply frees you of the time required to organize & share the more rudimentary day-to-day content, so you can focus on the killer stuff (like Superbowl memes!)
  • Quantity matters – now more than ever
Gone are the days where a few posts a week are enough to keep the tides moving. Now more than ever you need a constant flow of contact to keep engagement levels up – the average post is visible on the social sphere for a matter of minutes. It’s like swimming – you have to keep pedaling, or you’ll sink.
(Or, some other less morbid analogy)

[ Image Source: https://buffer.com/resources/facebook-marketing-strategy#page-posting ]
According to the numbers, you should be posting 5-10 times a day to maximize engagement on your accounts. And here’s the kicker: that number is increasing every quarter. Seriously.
I know it sounds awful, but you really need to throw a lot of things at the wall for anything to stick. That’s the nature of social media nowadays – it’s a giant sea of noise, and only little bits and pieces will crack their way in.
So, in 2019 what scheduler should you be using to maximize your throughput? Well, you’ve got a few options.
  1. Buffer – Ye old reliable. Buffer hasn’t added much in the last few years, mostly because they haven’t had to – they continue to be the leading choice for a simple scheduler, without the frills and fuss. It’s occasionally harder to get the volumes you need on Buffer, simply because there’s a fair bit of manual work included in the scheduling – however, it’s hard to beat Buffer in terms of user experience and reliability. 
  2. CoSchedule – CoSchedule has become quite popular in the last few years, for good reason. It’s probably the best choice in the menu if you’re looking for a place to run all of your content through – the scheduling part of it is a rather small aspect. So, you won’t necessarily get the control you need to maximize social, but you’ll get a bird’s eye view and control of everything in one deck. 
  3. Drumup – It’s a bit of a shameless plug, but hey, we wouldn’t be in business if we didn’t exist on this list. DrumUp is your best option on the list to hit the volumes above because of it’s repeating scheduler and general automation tools. If you’re looking to set-and-forget it’s definitely the best option on the list, particularly if you’re looking to automate the content creation bit (which we’d recommend – it’s always better when content and social are nice and synchronized)

Facebook Marketing in 2019: Not For The Faint Hearted

The challenge of Facebook marketing is not that it’s becoming more competitive, or that it requires that extra touch – it’s because it’s so damn tantalizing.
For all it’s faults, Facebook continues to be the entry point for audiences engaging with and buying brands – particularly brick and mortar ones. It’s still essential to maintain a strong presence, and the rewards are unthinkable for those who actually crack it – the ceiling of high Facebook engagement is still much higher than Twitter or Instagram.
The key to organic Facebook marketing always boils down to what nobody wants to hear – the fundamentals. The fact is, there aren’t any tricks or hacks that’ll get you to organic growth. You need to make a lot of great posts, understand your audience and respond to them, and really deliver on quality.
Easy, right? Get to work.

[ Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/OwvRB-M3GwE ]

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Growing and Nurturing Your Email List

Every now and then, I see an article that suggests email marketing is dead; however, this is far from the truth.  I’ve met many home business owners who say the majority of their income comes from their email subscriber list. If your list isn’t producing results, it may not be because email is dead. It’s more likely that you’re using it wrong. Here are tips to growing and nurturing your email to increase profits.

Growing Your List

Part of the success in email marketing is to have a list that is growing. Many people I’ve met who are struggling with email marketing have a stagnant or shrinking list. Here are some tips for growing your list:

1) Have opt-in forms on every page of your site. For example, if you have a WordPress blog, have an opt-in list sign-up form in your sidebar. You might consider having one at the end of your content as well.

2) Entice them to sign up. Offer a freebie such as a report or video for signing up for your list. Let visitors to your site know what the freebie will do for them. So many online businesses simply have a form that says “Sign-Up to Get Updates,” which isn’t a compelling reason to join. Some online business owners indicate what their incentive is, but not in a way that entices people to join. Instead of saying, “Get my free report on how to lose weight,” say, “Start losing weight today!
My free report will tell you how!”.
3) Promote your incentive on social media. Most social media platforms have areas you can include information about your list and offer in the profile. You can promote the list itself, but you’re more likely to get results by promoting the free offer. Which would you respond to: “Join my list to learn about saving money!” or “Get ‘52 ways to save $1,000 a Month’ free.”

4) Include information about your incentive in your bios and emails. If you guest blog or appear on someone’s podcast or website, make sure your bio includes information about your incentive. Every email you send should mention your free report in the signature line.

Nurturing Your List

Growing the list is only one aspect of email marketing. Once they subscribe you need to provide value or they’ll unsubscribe. Nurturing an email list is a delicate balance of staying connected without overwhelming subscriber’s inboxes. Even more important than keeping on the list, is having them eager to open the email to see what you have to share. Here are tips for making your list an effective marketing tool:

1) Email often enough that subscribers remember you, but not so often you annoy them. This number depends a great deal on your home business. Most successful email marketers I know email two to three times a week. Emailing even just once a week, may not be enough.

2) Be you. The most successful marketers know that their effectiveness comes from selling themselves first.
Put another way, people will connect with and want to buy from you because of who you are. Your subscribers have many options for who to do business with, but if you can make a connection, build rapport and trust, they’ll choose you. So don’t be afraid to share stories and true-life anecdotes.
3) Give value. Whatever you email to your subscribers should enhance their lives. Money always follows value.

4) Make list members feel special. People who give you their name and email should be treated with the respect they deserve. Make sure they know it by thanking them as well as giving them things that no one else gets. For example, I provide a freebie every Friday that only my subscribers receive. It’s my way of thanking them and acknowledging that having their email is a big deal. 

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Facebook is dead...let’s talk about it.

Have you ever heard that Facebook is dead?
That you can’t make money with Facebook?
Or your target market is somewhere else?

Yeah, me too.

But here’s the deal - Facebook is dead for SOME people.

The ones that don’t understand it…

Or don’t have a step-by-step system to follow.

Now - here’s the good news -

The Grow Your Audience course I’ve been talking about the last few days is EXACTLY what you need to make Facebook profitable for you.

It shows you what to do from 0 - 1,000 Fans -

For those that are just starting out.

Then it takes you through the next stages. 1K - 25K. 25K - 50K, 50K - 100K, and 100K+

Each phase.


EXACTLY what to do. AND when to do it.

So that you can Beat Facebook at it’s own Game.

Using the Rules of Facebook to your advantage.

And when you can do that, you actually WANT people to believe Facebook is dead.

Because it removes the wannabe’s and “get rich quick” people from your space.

Want to know more?

Click link to join the Grow Your Audience Course NOW! >>> https://lnkw.co/Moolahcourse <<<
This post contains affiliate links.

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Tier5 Partnership Program - The Ultimate Software Program

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝟭𝟬𝟬% 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲?
Wouldn't that be like an Affiliate Marketers Dream?
Here's what you get as a Tier5 Jr. Par

 Access to all current and future Tier5 Software, there are 12 in the market right now, and 30+ full time software engineers on staff.

 Agency Accounts. Get 25 accounts on all Tier5 Software, sell at the price you want and keep 100% of the revenue you generate

 Advanced training – Tier5 will provide advanced training in using the software, automation, chatbots, affiliate marketing, and many other things.

 Networking opportunity. Network with the guys you see in the videos, and many more Tier5 Partners.

Does that sound like “The Ultimate Affiliate Business Program”?
How much is it? $97/month
What can the software do?
Generate Leads
Increase Conversion
Collect Payment
Ringless Voicemail
2 way calling
IVR's (press 1 campaigns)
SMS Marketing
SMS Chatbots
Email Autoresponder
Drip Campaign

Watch the videos from people I'm sure you know of in the Clickfunnels space (they are also partners)

If you want to learn more, you can visit the link below an offer that you will literally lose money if you pass it up.

 >>>>>>>   Tier5 Partnership Program 

Spots are limited. You don't have to act now, but if you wait the spots will run out and you will miss a Passive Income opportunity. 

Tier5 builds amazing software that people love to buy. 

Watch the videos and you will see what people are saying about the Company and the Software

 >>>>>>> Tier5 Partnership Program   

This post contains affiliate links which we receive a commision if you make a purchase using the link. You are not charged anymore using the link to make your purchase.

Saturday, 30 March 2019

ConvertKit’s 30 Day Landing Page Challenge

This post contains affiliate links.

How big are you dreaming this year?

What are you building to serve your audience? What products or services are on your horizon? What ideas are you ready to make a reality?

Did you ever think those ideas could help you win $5,000?

Now they can.

ConvertKit’s 30 Day Landing Page Challenge

ConvertKit wants to celebrate your big dreams and help you kickstart your next idea with this month-long challenge geared around landing pages.

I love landing pages.

They’re a simple and beautiful way to promote products, webinars, your newsletters...the possibilities are endless. And they’re so easy to set up.

In just 10 minutes you can have a fully designed and branded landing page live and ready to share with the world.

With that in mind, ConvertKit is hosting this challenge to help you get your next idea up and running with a landing page to gain as many new subscribers as you possibly can.

For one creator who can set up a landing page that grows their list by over 100 subscribers in one month, ConvertKit is giving away a grand prize of:
  • $5,000
  • A free year of ConvertKit
  • And a year of coaching with one of their account managers
  • There are also more great prizes for anyone who doesn’t quite reach that level too!

And to help you along the way, ConvertKit will be hosting five live trainings to help you with everything from creating your landing page offer, to figuring out how to share your landing page, to tactics to make that email list grow.

The challenge starts on April 1st!

With 18 chances to win based on the number of subscribers you gain, it’s time to make your next big dream a reality.

I bet you didn’t think April was going to be this fun, right?

Click the Link below to join the challenge today!

Thursday, 7 March 2019

30+ Award-Winning Entrepreneurs Did WHAT?! 😮

Ever wanted to start building an online business, but felt like you didn't have enough time or money?

Or maybe you just felt stuck because you had no clue where to start?

If you said yes, I have some awesome news to share with you...

A bunch of my business mentors have gotten together to organize an exclusive live virtual summit this month [March 25-28, 2019 ] ...

They're planning to reveal their best-kept secrets to building a wildly profitable online business without even needing your own product...

...and even if you have no money, no time, or no clue where to start!

Here are just some of the things you'll learn:
  • How To Find Your Ideal (and Highly Profitable) Niche and discover the products that will easily make you money.
  • How To Start Getting Traffic Now even if you have no audience and aren't yet ready to build one.
  • How To Rapidly Grow a Raving Fanbase That Can't Wait To Buy From You without having to spend a bunch of money you can't afford.
  • How To Create Affiliate Bonuses That Stand Out From The Crowd and make people BEG for your affiliate links!
  • How To Craft Captivating Stories That Easily Sell without coming across as corny, pushy, or spammy.
  • How To Scale Your Income As Much As You Want without losing your sanity in the process.
The speakers include award-winning entrepreneurs like Spencer Mecham, Rachel S. Lee, Jeffery Banek, Liam James Kay, and more...

And the best part?

They're letting me give you a ticket to attend live for FREE!

By the way, it's all online so you don't have to worry about travel or expensive hotels...

I've read some of the reviews from the last time they had this event, and the feedback was amazing.

I don't know how long they'll keep this open for... but I wanted to make sure you can grab your ticket before it's too late!

I'm pretty excited for this. Looking forward to seeing you there! 🙂

Monday, 28 January 2019

Top 7 Trends in Social Media for Marketing Agencies in 2019

Ten years ago, you could’ve successfully marketed your clients’ products without social media. Today, there’s no chance.
Social media is the first place after Google where customers look for products, and, what’s even more important – brand image87% of consumers would purchase a product based on values, and the average revenue increase when a brand is presented consistently is 23%.
Even though we love our PPC campaigns, there’s nothing like social media to help the customers get to know your clients and their products. And because technology and customer priorities change from year to year, today we’re taking a look in the future.
Here’s what we can expect in 2019, and how you can use social media as a marketing agency to ensure your clients succeed.

1. The Rise of Social Shopping

Social shopping has become increasingly popular in 2018 and with Instagram’s new shop-on-the-gram features, it’ll become even bigger in 2019.
Users will now be able to find products in images and videos, save them to their collections, and find new products in the Explore section. Even though there have been talks of Instagram creating a separate app, there’s no reason.
Consumers of 2018 love shopping through social media. It comes pre-packed with referrals and comments from other people, and they can see their favorite influencers advocating the products.
In addition to Instagram (which is a visual platform), Facebook took after WeChat’s social retail example and is now working on features that will make it much easier for customers to shop without leaving the app.
Even though we may have to wait sometime before you can integrate your clients’ stores with Facebook, the social shopping trend can still be incredibly beneficial for your clients’ businesses.
Social shopping is fueled by referrals, and with social shopping on the rise, you should consider using satisfied customer testimonials in advertising. Social proof is very important to consumers of 2018, and it’ll encourage them to buy from your clients even more in 2019.

2. Micro-Influencers Driving Macro Sales

Influencers are no longer people; they’ve become walking, talking billboards in the last five years. Their followers (and your customers) quickly realized who actually provides value, and who sells products they don’t believe in.
Social media marketing in 2019 will be value and thought-driven, no doubt about it. And as far as word-of-mouth goes, micro-influencers are the channel you want to use.
They’re typically social media users who have between 1,000 and 20,000 followers and extremely high (real) engagement rates. Their community is tight-knit, which actually means a narrowed-down niche for your clients.
In their study, Mediahub realized that micro-influencers increased their marketing campaign engagement by 50%. And what’s even more interesting is that influencers with around 1,000 followers actually resulted in more success for the brands they worked with, generating 85% higher engagement than regular influencers (with over 100k followers).
Since the main motto behind marketing and shopping in 2018 and 2019 is: value, honesty, and convenience, micro-influencers fit right into that category.
If you want to optimize your clients’ campaigns (and reduce the spend on that area) in 2019 as a marketing agency, start working with micro-influencers.

3. Relevant, Interactive Content

Content marketing is here to stay, and it’s the number one way to drive sales through social media. After all, content strategies increase your clients’ ROI: they generate 4x more leads per $1000 within 36 months.
It’s also good for branding and customer communication. Consumers today won’t repeatedly buy from your clients’ brands if they don’t understand them.
So in 2019, make it your priority to include content into your marketing strategy – and not any kind of content. Create content that’s relevant instead of outdated, and increase engagement by making it interactive.
With the state of social media features today, it’s not hard to create interactive content.
Interactive content on Twitter:
  • Polls
  • Hashtags
  • Questions
  • Conversational video
  • Partnerships and sponsorships
  • Daily trends (e.g. #MondayMotivation)

Interactive content on Instagram:
  • Questions
  • Polls

  • Shopping features
  • Stories

  • IGTV

  • Polls
  • Stories
  • Facebook Live
  • Messenger chatbots
  • Quizzes

Interactive content on LinkedIn:
  • Storytelling
  • Quick, relevant status updates
  • Questions as a driver for white papers
  • Advice (how-to posts)

Consumers in 2019 won’t be happy if they can just observe your clients’ social media. They have to actively interact with it in order to find value, and ultimately make the purchasing decision.
It’s incredibly important to establish a content calendar that will help you constantly engage your clients’ customers. You don’t have to do it manually, as DrumUp offers content scheduling features (and much more).

4. Social Media Marketing Personalization

Accurate audience segmenting and targeting has been the number one marketing priority since the dawn of marketing itself. However, when it comes to personalization, it seems like a lot of brands are struggling with it.
The lack of personalization puts off consumers so much that 74% of them feel frustrated when content isn’t personalized. As a counter-point, marketers who use personalized experiences see a 20% increase in sales.

What can you do for your clients as a marketing agency?

The first thing is obvious: gather data. For this, use social listening. Social listening will also help you curate content better, and create a content calendar that perfectly fits the customers’ interests.
DrumUp makes this really easy. Without it, you’d have to go through multiple feeds at once – and still risk not getting the right information. DrumUp’s algorithm will do that for you, and show you exactly what kind of content your audience needs.
The second thing you can do to personalize your marketing efforts is to understand the customers’ motivation for buying the product. This may seem simple on paper, which is exactly why a lot of marketing agencies haven’t had the appropriate amount of success in 2018.
Run an audience analysis and cross-reference it with your social media strategy. No matter which social media you’re using, engagement should be your number one priority. Segment audiences according to channels, and tailor your approach to their personal preferences.
Focus on personal interactions. Even though we’re all looking at screens, don’t take the human touch out of the equation. Facebook Messenger offers innovative chatbot features, Twitter has DMs, and nothing has ever been as effective as LinkedIn outreach.
Speaking of LinkedIn, LinkedIn Dynamic Ads were quite a revolution when the platform announced them. Their significance will grow in 2019, as they’re an incredible way to personalize the experience for your clients’ customers.
Personalizing your social media strategy won’t just help you get new customers; it will help you retain the existing ones, and generate more referrals than ever before.

5. Brand Awareness and Values

Marketing success is going to be very hard in 2019 without openly stating your client’s brand values. This will be the ultimate way to reach new heights of brand awareness, and create customer loyalty from the very first purchase (while also increasing the value of each purchase).
The goal of social media marketing in 2019 is to sell to customers who feel like your client’s brand is their friend.
While brands traditionally steered clear of stating opinions or standing up for values, this will become indispensable in 2019. While keeping ethics in mind, your brand should stand for similar values to those of your customers.
Sponsorships and donations can go a long way when it comes to brand awareness. So does employee advocacy.
Additionally, you can also use user-generated content to show appreciation for your customers. Big brands frequently do this, on a smaller or bigger scale.
For example, hashtag competitions are a big favorite of brands like Nike. Their customers are encouraged to post their own content related to the brand, and then the brand page re-shares it. This can be especially useful for your clients if they’re in the B2B space as it gives the other side more exposure.
It’s no longer enough to talk about what your brand stands for. Action should be following it closely. Especially where customer prioritization is concerned.

6. AI-Powered Customer Service and Marketing

A huge part of user experience has been shaped by instant customer service which SaaS companies like ZenDesk started providing. It’s easier and more pleasant for customers, and it means a lot for the bottom line of your clients.
However, you can use the AI-powered customer service principles for your marketing efforts, as well.
We’ve previously touched on Facebook Messenger chatbots, but while they can be used to respond to customers’ queries, they can also be used for marketing.
For example, if you want to boost the customer response to your client’s marketing campaign, you can contact them directly with the help of chatbots, and present the idea in a more personable way.
Twitter DMs can go a long way if they’re not robotic, as well. If there’s a particular offer that would interest a segment of your customers, you can divide them with Twitter Lists, and message them.
Same goes for LinkedIn: InMail is still the best way to directly reach customers.
Social media marketing in 2019 is going to be big on doing things directly. And great AI tech is going to help you do it without manual work.

7. Content Marketing Will Be a Major Player in 2019 Marketing

You probably noticed that we’ve emphasized the importance of content. However, it’s still one of the main ways to reach (new) customers on social media.
It’s an excellent way of providing additional value, educating prospects, warming up marketing campaign leads, and ultimately, converting them to customers.
You can experiment with different forms and channels, but the more your content stimulates engagement, the better will your results be.
This can be a lot of work if you’re doing it on your own, so try out DrumUp. It takes care of everything for you – from scheduling to finding content to share.
So automate your marketing, and focus on the most important thing: making your client’s business thrive.
